5 ways to get rid of fear .. Let anxiety and start life!

Anxiety is the greatest obstacle to the realization of man's hopes and aspirations, as his fears stand a barrier felt helpless and helpless, causing the "death" of the idea even before birth.

But self-development experts have come up with a methodology that helps one to free oneself from anxiety through a set of logical calculations.

Del Carnegie is one of the best authors who have written in the field of self-development, thanks to his book, which still achieves the highest sales and is titled "How to Win Friends and Influence People", first published in 1936.

In his book, "Let Concern and Start Life," published in 1948, the author lists ways to help the reader free himself from anxiety and increase productivity.The book is based on Carnegie's experience teaching some YMCA courses in New York, noting that anxiety is a key idea among students regardless of their career or background.

Hence, he decided to write a book that inspires them to face their psychological predicament, according to the US newspaper Motto Time.In the seven years before the publication of the book, Carnegie discussed with the business people about the ways they used to get rid of anxiety. However, the most important experience that he actually did to his students was by giving some advice and then noting how successful it was.The following is a summary of the five most important strategies for the book "Let The Wap Concern.

1-Ask yourself: What are the worst possibilities?

There is a simple three-step approach that helps to address personal or professional anxiety:

First, the individual should ask himself: what are the worst assumptions that can happen, then the willingness to deal with that hypothesis, and finally he should find a way to help him to take advantage of that bad situation and draw the good from it, until it ends.

This approach is based on the story of modern air conditioning inventor Willie Carrier; while Carrier worked for Buffalo Forge, he discovered that his company's air purifying service was not as efficient as it was.

Carrier then realized that the worst-case scenario was his company's $ 20,000 loss, accepting the company's allocation of that amount as costs to find a new strategy. In the end, Carrier was able to improve the situation and take advantage of it. If the company bought new equipment worth $ 5,000, the problem would be avoided, which left his company spending $ 15,000.

2. Collecting the facts objectively

"If one devotes his time to finding facts in a neutral and objective way, his concern disappears in the light of the knowledge he has acquired," was the words of Herbert Hawks, former dean of Columbia University, to Carnegie.
Carnegie explained two ways to collect facts in an objective way: by pretending to combine those facts with another person so that you can avoid their emotional influences.

You can also consider yourself a lawyer preparing to defend the other side of the case, so you are gathering facts that do not support your personal situation. Next, write down the facts you have found and address them from both sides, and then you'll see the picture clearer.

3. Create possible solutions

Simon & Schuster's CEO, Leon Schimmen, devised a way to reduce the time spent in meetings by 75%.

Before presenting the problem, ask colleagues to submit a note that answers four questions: What is the problem? Caused by? Possible solutions? What solution do you propose among those solutions?

He says that from the moment he began to follow the new system, his colleagues resorted to him in search of a solution. "They found that the answer to these 4 questions required them to compile all the facts and think about the problem through the facts they collected. In other words, Anxiety and speech.

4- The law of arithmetic mean

The law of the arithmetic mean refers to the possibility of a certain event, and the reason for using this law lies in the discovery of whether one should fear it or not. Carnegie said the US Navy used the law to raise the morale of its sailors.The seafarers charged with sailing with high octane fuel were fearful of their explosion, so the Navy provided them with the exact numbers of the probability: out of every 100 tankers hit by torpedoes, 60 were still on the water while only 5 carriers sank in less than 10 Minutes, giving them a chance to leave the tanker.

5. Maximum losses 

This strategy is based on a principle followed in the stock market. One speculator says he puts a maximum limit on the loss of each speculative operation. Example: Let's say you bought a $ 100 stock and put an end to the $ 10 loss. When the stock price drops to 90, you should sell it without discussion.

You can follow this principle in the activities of your daily life. Carnegie, for example, wanted to become a novelist, but after two years of hard work without success, he decided to reduce his losses and return to teaching.

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