How do I know I am pregnant in the first week?


The period of pregnancy begins when the egg leaves the uterus through the fallopian tube to the ovaries, which fertilizes it, and then the fertilized egg returns to the uterus. It is instilled in it. Many women, especially those who do not plan to have children, spend their first pregnancy without feeling it, and many of them may not notice this issue until after the expiration of the menstrual cycle.

There are no definite and definite signs of pregnancy in the first or second week of pregnancy, but fatigue, boredom, frequent mood changes, and bathroom entry may be needed to spend more than usual early pregnancy signs in the first weeks. Cycle rather than as a sign of pregnancy.

Signs of pregnancy in the first week

As we have mentioned, there are no definite signs of pregnancy in the first weeks, but the symptoms differ from one woman to another.
• Gastrointestinal problems such as gas, constipation.
• Pain and tenderness in the breasts.
• Fatigue.
• Mood Swings.
• Nausea in the morning.
• Hormonal changes.
• Feeling the pain of the session in a timely manner.

Tips in the first week of pregnancy

• You can not be sure of pregnancy in your first week through a home check, so go to your doctor for a blood test to check your pregnancy, and begin taking the medications prescribed by your doctor.
• If you are planning to get pregnant, you may have started taking folic acid essential for the healthy development of the fetus's body. If you are not, you should start taking it immediately without delay.
• A healthy diet based on vegetables, fruits and protein, and keep away from all foods harmful to health and soft drinks.

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