How to make Rusks at home


Crispy bread, a muffin powder that is placed on the chicken before frying and mixed with salt and spices, is bake twice or three times until it turns brown and hardens and then dried to keep it long without getting moldy. The breadcrumbs were made for soldiers and travelers to distant places where fresh bread was not found. It was especially used in the areas of low agricultural production. 

It was essential for growth; it contained most of the benefits of bread, and was eaten with water and eaten. It is said that it is derived from the Chaldean language of Rabbanite or of the Hebrew origin. This bread is also called in the Tunisian language (mashmt), and it is prepared by drying the bread and then leaving it .

How to make Rusks at home

Rusk shark 


  • Kg of flour. 
  • A teaspoon of yeast. 
  • Three eggs. 
  • Teaspoon of sugar. 
  • Two cups of warm water. 
  • A quarter cup of vegetable oil. 
  • Small spoon of salt. 
  • You can add sesame, spinach, sorbet or cumin, and thyme as desired.

How to prepare

  • Place the flour in a deep bowl. Add all the ingredients gradually, stirring and kneading them until they are well combined and stirred, leaving them to ferment and rest for a quarter of an hour.
  • After finishing the rest of the dough, cut it, cut it in the shape of the crumbs, and repeat the process with the paste, until we finish the whole quantity.
  •   Place the cutlets on the oil-covered tray, cover and leave for 10 minutes.
  • We protect the oven, and enter the Chinese for a quarter of an hour, and after maturity leave it exposed for about an hour or more as desired, so as to acquire the desired taste and crispy.

The crushed Rusk


* Soft toast bag.

The flavor you want (chili, salt, thyme ...)

How to prepare 

  • Protect oven at 180 ° C. Put the toast in a tray, the desired flavor on the toast, bake it for seven minutes or until it becomes golden.
  • Fetti and toast, then put them in the electric mixer, and mix well.
  • Place the crisps in a suitable container and tighten it, and it will be used when you need it.
  • Note: The toast can be roasted in the pan, stirring until it is red, but in the oven it is best to save time and make sure all water and moisture evaporate in the toast.

      Sliced Rusk


      • Kg of flour.
      • Half cup of starch.
      • A cup of vegetable oil.
      • A tablespoon of yeast.
      • Tablespoon of sugar.
      • Small spoon of salt.
      • Pork and sesame seeds - according to desire.

      How to prepare

      • Take the flour well, place it with the starch in a suitable bowl, then salt the salt with a little water, then add it to the flour. Dissolve the sugar with a little warm water, then add the flour.
      • If you want to add sesame and the blessing of blessing, do so, and if you do not want, do not add it to the mixture.
      • We begin the process of kneading, until we get a cohesive paste, and leave it for 15 minutes.
      • After the time is over, place the dough on the surface, cut it and cut it into a piece of breadcrumbs.
      • Cover the baking tray with a little vegetable oil, sprinkle with the crumbs and leave to brew for about an hour.
      • Place the Chinese in the oven on a low heat, and after the maturation of the quiche, separate it on a tray until it dries.

      Rusks with Sesame


      • Four cups of flour.
      • Spoon of yeast.
      • Three white beans.
      • Teaspoon of sugar.
      • Two cups of warm water.
      • A quarter cup of vegetable oil.
      • Small spoon of salt. Sesame, and quantity according to desire.

      How to prepare

      • Pour the ingredients together, mix well, until the dough is mixed and bonded.
      • Separate the dough and cover to ferment and rest for at least 15 to 20 minutes.
      • Cut the dough, crunch it into slices, place it on a tray greased with vegetable oil, and spread the sesame paste.
      • After heating the oven for a long time, enter the cupcake tray in the oven, and cook for about a quarter of an hour, and after maturation we take out the air to become crisp and fragile.

      General information

      • Sieve flour is very important to make sure the dough is free of impurities and lumps.
      • You can eat the baked breadcrumbs directly or crack them for cooking.
      • Squids are usually used to season chicken or meat pieces until they become crispy and hot after frying.
      • Squeeze the crumbs into the Kfta to help hold the minced meat together.

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