Top 5 global advertising sites


The most powerful advertising methods are the use of the most famous search engines in advertising.
Whether advertising a product, commodity or marketing product or marketing site.
The world's largest companies advertise on Google, Yahoo and other search engines because they know the value
Electronic marketing, which is now the largest means of advertising in the world

Question and Answer

What is the method of advertising?
The method of advertising depends on the pay-per-click means that every click on your advertisement is paid for

What is the price of the pressure?
The price of the pressure varies according to the countries and according to the type of advertisement, the clicks will start at $ 0.01 for $ 1 sometimes against the pressure
how to pay ?
Payment Methods You can pay by PayPal or by using Visa or bank transfer.

The top 5 advertising companies in the world

First: Google AdWords
Certainly many know it because it is produced by the famous search engine Google, which is the most famous and most powerful results.

Second: Yahoo Advertising
One of the largest ad sites is also certainly Yahoo Group Maktoob, the most famous search engine in the world before the advent of Google.

Third: Microsoft bingads
Microsoft is famous for the industry of software and sites. You can achieve your goal of advertising through its advertising program,
It also has your own search engine which is ping.

Fourth: Facebook Advertising
 The most famous sites in the world perhaps the price of advertising is a little high, but it is the first sites in the world that jumped on Google and that because
Facebook does not pass visitors but they spend hours surfing.

Fifth: Twitter Adverising
The second months social sites after Facebook, which contains many pages of celebrities and media

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