Exercise helps to get rid of psychological problems

Some mental disorders such as forgetfulness, lack of concentration, feeling of being joking, and distraction result from mental ill-health. "Fasting is a psychological and behavioral treatment and prevention of dysfunction of mental and psychological functions."

"Physiology and psychology," he explains, "is a break-up of psychological defensive tricks that occur involuntarily and distort the illusion of mental disorder that does not overcome the trauma, obstacles, and many psychological problems, puts it in front of the truth, and makes it accept."

"Fasting for food, drink and lust results in mental and mental activity, the state of psychological relaxation of the individual and the power of inspiration in this period.

The development expert stresses that it is possible to use the power of change resulting from fasting, and use the month of Ramadan to paralyze our mental health that will necessarily include our whole lives and change course.

"Psychological problems can be eliminated firsthand, and we become more able to manage ourselves and our lives through a simple exercise that is to bring a paper and pencil, and record every problem related to the past and affect our present, and then write the positive thing that we learned from this problem.

And the more we insist on the pain and the impact of the problem we read the positive sentence, thus, over time the experiment moves from the negative to the positive in our mind, and then help us strongly change the present, the impact of past experience, to receive the next force and experience.

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