7 Ways to treat back pain with alternative medicine

7 Ways to treat back pain with alternative medicinePharmacokinetics work to relieve and relieve pain for a while and do not cure it.

Do you suffer from chronic back pain? Have you tried all the analgesics but have not succeeded in treating pain? Did you know that about 90% of cases of back pain are caused by bad daily habits such as sitting for long periods or standing for long periods, lifting heavy things, cold in the back area, sleep conditions and all these reasons can be treated comfortably and get rid of those bad habits.

If you are tired of the discomfort of back pain and want some alternative help, these herbs will help you treat the pain and get back to normal exercise.

Note: Herbal treatment is not in cases that are satisfactory such as traffic accidents and car accidents, falling from a high place, a severe tear caused by lifting heavy objects, severe cartilage or cases that cause numbness in the foot or back pain that lasts the same intensity for more Three days. In this case, you should go to a specialist.

Ginger therapy :

It is considered one of the best herbs for the treatment of back pain. Mix ginger with warm water, close to boiling, then turn slightly, drain and put in gauze, then place on pain place three times a day. Treatment can also be done by making ginger, clove + cinnamon and drinking 3 times a day.

Wheat Treatment :

Wheat is a grain that soothes inflammation so it is useful in cases of back pain. Place the flour in water and then rise on low heat until it becomes a paste. Wait a bit until it becomes fairly high. Put the paste on the place of pain and preferably put as hot as possible. Three times a day.

Circuit therapy :

Grind the grain of the ring well and then mix with milk or water to make paste paste paste on the place of pain three times a day. The dough is placed as hot as possible

Cabbage leaves treatment :

Cabbage leaves are placed in the hot milk until they are fully cooked and become very soft and then placed quickly on the place of pain and preferably remain overnight or full day.

Treatment with camphor leaves :

This strange oil has the effect of magic in the treatment of herbal back pain. Heat the oil until it becomes warm and then massage the pain area for at least 10 minutes. Repeat this two to three times a day.

Treatment with olive oil :

Olive oil is considered to be one of the best treatments for most musculoskeletal diseases and the general system of the back and back, especially where it contains a lot of moisturizing and very useful substances. Heat the oil and then massage the area of ​​pain for 10 minutes. This is repeated 5 times a day.

Honey therapy :

It is known that honey treats a lot of diseases, especially if taken in the form of a drink (a large spoon of honey is placed on a glass of water and drink and drink) where the atoms of water are arranged like honey atoms and so it is like you drank a glass of honey.

Finally, remember that pharmacokinetics work to relieve and relieve pain for a while and do not cure it. Therefore, these painkillers can be taken with the treatments we mentioned. But it is best to have these painkillers in the form of creams and stay away from painkillers in the form of pill pills because of their side effects.

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